All it takes is 1%

Yeah, that's it. All it takes is 1% improvement to change your life.

Don’t tell me you can’t do 1% more. 1%more action, more effort, more focus. More caring about yourself.

It’s an inconvenient truth. and when you embrace this truth it becomes harder to procrastinate your own improvement.

Facing this basic reality has had a profound effect on getting my ass off the couch and into action. Let's examine this.

Man do I love compounding interest. You make an investment and then the interest it earns increases your investment and earns even more interest over time. It’s like a snowball rolling down a hill.

I especially love how this works in your own life when it comes to small improvements consistently implemented over time.

1% improvement. That's a pretty small increase in effort with most things. You also might tend to think that it’s way too small of an improvement to notice. Sure. No doubt that's probably true more than not. Improve 1 percent and then stop and …yawn. Go to the gym once. You're really not going to look any different. Improve your diet for one day and you might feel better, maybe, but you certainly won’t look better and your health will stay the same.

Now what if you stuck with that 1% for the next 72 days? Well the beauty of compounding gains means you now are “doubled”. You have twice the improvement than when you started.

Now that's pretty damn noticeable. If you had the fortitude to keep that up for the next year compounding gains says you would be 37 times improved. Holy moly! That's serious.

So what is my point in making this point? People tend to want the big transformation but have trouble settling into the small daily improvement. It's like it's in our DNA. Go big or go home. The problem is this mindset is a trap. We go to the gym with all the best intentions. Hit it hard and then, nothing except pain. Screw this, exercise is the devil!

Breaking the big goals down to small bites is the key. Too small to fail! We are forming habits when we commit to small consistent improvements. Giant goals in themselves are really not habits that we can program into our days.

One of my goals in creating Boomer For the Win was to share small actions or improvements you can take that can compound into real optimization in your life.

I’m a big fan of small manageable actions. Your odds go up significantly with these tiny movements.

These small tweaks have the potential to shift the trajectory of your life depending on your willingness to give it a real try.

I’m obsessed with discovering these 1% improvements and can’t wait to share what I find and the results of trying them myself.

Let's do this!


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