Hey there!
I’m JP, the resident Boomer here and connoisseur of midlife hacks and remedies.
Are you at your “halftime'' or maybe even past middle age?
I know, it feels like you blinked and the years flew by. Things like your own health and personal growth kind of got pushed to the side temporarily. Family, job and life in general kept chugging along. It's not your fault. We all have experienced this in one form or another. Now if you don’t do anything about it and are suffering the results of this personal neglect then yeah, it is your fault.
Own it!
Serious question. Do you feel like you are at the top of your game? Are you satisfied with your general happiness, health and relationships? Do you look in the mirror and think,
“Damn I’ve still got it going on, mojo intact!”
Well that's freaking great! Seriously the world needs more of you and we should hang out.
Now maybe you say that but inside this little voice keeps popping up “except for that gut and maybe if I felt like getting off the couch” or “I miss my love life having some fire” or “ It would be awesome if I was making more Ka-ching though”.
There are a whole bunch of wishes and shoulds that we tend to attach to our quest for happiness. Yeah, we should all over ourselves. Some are a false story that plays in our heads maybe from our parents or what society in general thinks or just some bullshit we have been telling ourselves from too much scrolling on Instagram. Remember, those shiny people on social media aren’t posting the shitty challenges they may be facing. They actually may not be on vacation 365 days a year.
I have certainly experienced all of the above at some point. In fact, the shit had to get pretty deep to wake my Boomer ass up that the game of life was starting to get a bit late in the innings.
I turned 59 in August. 1 year away from an age that I used to look at as old as dirt. You know, park me in front of the TV so I can watch Wheel of Fortune and eat a bowl of ice cream before I slip into coma mode and close the day out.
Screw that vision!
Sounds like an expressway to the final resting place. How does that possibility sound to you? To me and millions of others that seems like a pretty depressing rut. And you know the only difference between a rut and a grave is a couple of feet.
This Boomer refuses to go quietly into the night. I’m here to try some things to level up and I’m willing to screw up along the way so you don’t have to!
Welcome to the final third of my party. This might be inaccurate for you or hell, even me. I hope that I’m around and vital for another 50 years. If you are over 40 then you are mostly about half way or more through your life span according to current statistics on life expectancy.
It’s not too late to change the trajectory of your life.
The great news is you can seriously change how you experience your life. Yes, you can upgrade and optimize in many ways.
You have to actually try some things and that is where I come in.
I have spent the last couple of decades helping people and businesses level up through coaching and consulting.
I was a go to guy for guidance and creative business ideas.
The truth is I was so focused on everyone else that I kind of lost the plot for myself along the way.
Physician heal thyself!
OK, I’m no doctor but I’m sure you get the point. Life took an unexpected turn. Crash goes my marriage, there goes my business of the last 20 years with my ex and on top of that I ran into some serious health issues in my 50s that woke me the hell up. Yes, the universe thought a good ass kicking was in order and I qualified for the deluxe package.
It may sound cliche but I’m super thankful. Sure I wasn’t during the actual shit storm but pain is an amazing teacher.
I’m so much happier and healthier these days. Yeah, yay me!
The whole point of this web site is a way for me to share some of what I have learned and tried. Whats worked for my clients and for myself. From cost free to small investments in self. I have dug in and tried these methods and products and I’ll give you my unvarnished reviews. I’ll share information from others who have the goods that need sharing and maybe those to stay clear of. Mostly we will focus on your mindset to up your game.
At your service!